Given current demographic trends, European
people will first become an outright minority in their own lands within the
next thirty years. Thereafter, they will become a tiny minority, and shortly
after that, will vanish completely under a flood of further immigration and
“Traditional” political activity has failed
to stem the tide, and the time has come to consider an alternative strategy
which will preserve Europeans in the post-Western age. This book describes the
steps required to attain a practical solution, namely a European ethnostate,
divorced from “white supremacy” over others.
Drawing upon history and two practical
examples (the Afrikaner town of Orania and the Zionist state of Israel), the
author forms an coherent argument for the creation of, at first, local European
communities, and then eventually, the creation of a European ethnostate arising
from the chaos of a Third Worldized globe. It includes detailed steps and
territorial proposals.
It is a positive, practical, answer to the
crisis facing European man and which, if implemented, might provide his only
Why is it that only the European people are
under threat in this way?
What is different about the other peoples
of the earth, that they are not under threat of extinction in this manner?
The answer is simple, and obvious: it is
because all the other people of the earth have homelands, or heartlands, where
they can maintain their racial integrity and identity, no matter what else
happens elsewhere in the world.
No matter how much the miscegenation
process continues elsewhere, China will always be Chinese.
Japan will always be Japanese.
Africa will always be African.
Why therefore, is there no European
heartland, in which European people are a majority, and in which they have the
inalienable right to maintain their racial identity and integrity?
European people need a heartland, a
homeland, just like any other people on earth.
Chapter One: The Premise
Race Is Reality—The Myth of “European
Colonial Debt”—The Legal Right to Self Determination—The Moral Right to
Self-Determination—Self Determination for Europeans Is the Opposite of White
Supremacism—Case Study: Indian Self-Determination and That Nation’s
Racially-Based Immigration Laws—Ethnostates Are a Universal Right—The Continued
Existence of a Culture Is Dependent upon the Continued Existence of Its
Founding People—Case Study: The Racial Demographic Displacement of the American
Chapter Two: The Historical Background and
the Current Reality
Non-Europeans the First Colonizers of
Europe—Renaissance Sparks Age of Exploration—Decolonization and Recolonization
of Europe—Third World Immigration—Facts and Figures—Russia’s Demographics in
2010—Eastern European Demographics—Ukraine, Belarus, and Moldavia
Chapter 3: Can Europeans Survive?
The Democratic Participation Route—Can
Democratic Participation succeed?—Demographic Displacement in European
Heartlands—Strict Control of the U.S. Democratic Process by Powerful Lobbies
and Interest Groups—Is it Worthwhile Pursuing Democratic Participation?
Yes!—Need to Consider all Options—The Three Alternatives which Must be
Considered—Realism and Presumptions—Sixty Years of Failure—Whites Have Lost
Political Power in the U.S.—Not All Whites Can, Or Should Be, Saved—The
Psychological Rubicon Which Must be Crossed
Chapter Four: Moral, Legal, and Historical
Justification for a European Homeland
The Right of All Racial Groups to a
Homeland—The Tibetan Peoples’ Right to a Racial Homeland—The United Nations
Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues (UNPFII)—UN Declaration on the Rights of
Indigenous Peoples—World Bank Definition of Indigenous Peoples—The Definition
of an Indigenous People—A European Homeland Is Morally, Legally, and Historically
Justified—The Historical Process is No Justification for Present Day
Dispossession—Is Western Europe not already a European homeland?
Chapter 5: Case Study 1—Orania
Orania Founded in 1991—Majority Occupation
Critical—Orania’s Steady Growth—Sunday Times Reviews Orania’s
Development—Moving Toward Creating a State—The Lessons from Orania
Chapter 6: Case Study 2—Zionism and the
State of Israel
The Originator of the Zionist Ideal:
Herzl’s Der Judenstaat—Rationale for the Demand for a Jewish State—Herzl
Outlined How Emigration Should Take Place—How Anti-Semitism Serves as a “Push
Factor”—Argentina or Palestine?—Jewish Company to Drive the Colonization
Plan—Herzl’s Achievements—First Zionist Congress—Later Zionist
Congresses—Balfour Declaration—The Palestine Zionist Executive—Zionists Launch
Terrorist Campaign to Drive British and Palestinians Out—United Nations
Partitions Palestine and Creates Israel—Israel’s Racially-Based Immigration
Law—The Lessons from Israel
Chapter 7: The Plan and Its Implementation
Europeans Never So Close to Extermination
as Now—Mindless Masses Cannot be Saved—Nature’s Amoral Code of Conduct—The
Coming Population Bottleneck—The Practical Implications: Only a Minority Can be
Saved—A Planned and Structured Approach—Colonization Company—Local Authorities
First—Realism Extends to Long-Term Prospects and Defense—Propaganda and
Presentation—Further Developments
Chapter 8: The Territory
Previous Case Studies—The Preconditions for
a Successful Target Area—Problems and Answers—Option One: Selecting Small
Regions in Existing States—Option Two: A Direct Approach to Demographically
Suitable and Receptive Nation States—Final Decision on Territory Open-Ended and
to be Decided by the “Europeanists”
Chapter 9: Conclusion
The Naysayers—What is the Alternative?—The
Form of the State—Summary—A Noble Goal.
Something has to be done before our children and Grandchildren face oblivion.
I remember John Tyndall saying over 15 years ago that "the 'Establishment' would not let us have a bookshop in Welling, what makes anyone think they would let us have our own state", but at this time when white Europeans are staring into the abyss something new has to be tried as opposed to playing the fixed Poker game of British Politics.
Who is in a worse demographic situation in your opinion: Europe or the US?
Dear Anonymous (12 Feb). The short answer to your question is that the establishment--certainly in western Europe--will not "let" anyone "have their own state." The reality simply has to be created on the ground, and in the darkness which will be the inevitable end result of current establishment immigration policy, that reality will take on new meaning.
Dear Anonymous (12 Feb). Unquestionably, America is in a worse demographic situation than western Europe. According to the US Census of 2010, whites made up 72 % of the population. That figure includes large numbers of self-classified whites, "caucasians," Middle Easterners, etc. etc. (see for example, the official report here, which does not even allow for classification of those groups hence it is likely that the actual white population is already well in the mid 60 percent range. It is overwhelmingly old, and by 2019 (just six years hence) the majority of under 18s will be non-white. This is at least a decade and a half "ahead" of western Europe.
I feel a lot of anxiety with all this... Why people let themselves to be manipulated by a elite that despise them?
South Africa stil is a somewhat functional nation like Mexico and Brazil... This could be the possible future of the US and Europe instead of a collapse?
The US may have more nonwhites than Europe, but the whites here are a lot of more racially conservative than they are in Europe. We also are armed to the teeth. I have a small bit of hope.
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